Sustainable Growth Delivered by Energy

Creating positive economic growth in the Philippines through the energy and procurement industry is our team’s life work.

Our Mission

We are deploying assets and people to create a sustainable energy industry in the Philippines to create a economic growth in the country and to add value to its people. Creating a sustainable prosperous economic future for the Philippines is our sole purpose.

The Opportunity

Our team has been tasked to create this operation by Filipino oil and gas companies. Our team has been given exclusive rights to handle all procurement operations as well as to negotiate strategic partnerships to accelerate execution of exploration and extraction of fossil fuels from the Sulu Basin. While securing the mining permits, we have built a network of contacts in both the northern and southern regions of the Philippines. We have coordinated with local heads of government in the southern region of the Philippines to allow access for third parties to come and develop an operation. Because of our executive team, we have been able to secure not only the legal documents but also the agreement of the local population to conduct these operations. To date no other business entity has been able to secure both that would allow unbridled access to this region. Our team was able to secure the local security of the mission by appealing to the economic needs of the region. There are employable experts in the oil and gas industry within the local population that would help to provide valuable labor for this operation as well as provide security for the mission because of the local involvement in the operation. We have been tasked to ensure that any operation will not have a negative impact on the local and federal Filipino governments as well as the local environment. We believe this can be accomplished by integrating both these regions into the supply chain for this project.

Because of these preliminary partnerships, we can offer security and access to regions of the southern Philippines that have untouched natural resource deposits. This never accessed region has the potential of 127 MMBO, 19,000 BCFG, and 408 MMBNGL based on preliminary report from the USGS. Other reports from the Philippine Petroleum Resource assessment project show upwards of 9 billion BFOE with 57% being gas, 41% oil, and 2% condensate. These preliminary reports are based on limited exploration. Because of the geological formation in the region, there is the potential for more deposits to be uncovered.

Our teams' connections with the local and federal government will ease the legal securing of any additional permits needed to operate in the region. We also have the local network to create the necessary supply chain and processing infrastructure to efficiently extract and produce a final product ready for the global market. We are seeking partners that want to help secure our mission of creating a profitable operation that will deliver long lasting value to the Filipino people as well as deliver sustainable profits for shareholders.

Operational Scope

The following sections will outline the operational functions that we are seeking to partners as well as the portions of the operation that we are confident that can be sourced locally. These sections will also outline the specific scope of work of this project and what is needed to execute to scale revenue strategically.


Depending on the funding able to be secured, the operation will work to have all 12 crude oil sites and 2 natural gas sites explored within the first 5 years. We are confident that most of these sites will have viable commercial deposits based on preliminary testing as well as the geological structure that surround these sites. The preliminary testing was done by a submersible drone that collected soil samples from these sites. Our on-site team also witnessed the impact on the environment because these sites are leaking fossil fuels in the environment causing some ecological disturbance.

Because of the location of these sites, we believe that self-propelled offshore oil rigs will be needed to do the initial exploration. Once we have selected the partner for this project, we will be able to disclose the exact coordinates to determine the exact equipment necessary for the operation. Some of these sites are close to shore and based on the depth might not need this level of platform to conduct the operation. We are looking for a partner that will be able to consult with our team about the necessary equipment and their expert recommendations so that we can execute this mission as efficiently as possible. Throughout the initial stages of the exploration, our partner team will have full access and will work closely with our own local experts to determine the most efficient way to conduct this operation safely and securely. Our mission is to extract the resources as efficiently as possible while minimizing potential environmental impact.

Logistical Planning and Procurement

Our team has deep experience in logistical planning in trucking, warehousing, and maritime operations. We will be able to help coordinate and plan the supply chain necessary to effectively complete this mission. We will be basing most of the warehousing, purchasing, and imports in the major port cities of Zamboanga, Davao City, and General Santos City. These cities have the warehousing, ports, airports, and trucking infrastructure to support the full operation. These major cities have proximity to the sites will help to reduce cost of operation to increase profit margins. Basing the supply chain out of these major cities will also help to solidify the operation within the local population and economy to maintain security for duration of the project. These cities have affordable land to build temporary storage facilities for the resources before they are moved on the open market. This will help us minimize the risk of the open market sale price for these commodities by maintaining a sizeable reserve. The sea ports of these cities can host large maritime vessels for final transportation of the goods. During the entire supply chain, our local security team will be deployed along every node of the infrastructure to ensure that there is little to no slippage in inventory and to ensure that all parties involved have the highest level of security. If necessary, our team can deploy on the maritime vessels and ride with the resources to the final delivery location to certify delivery as well as protect it during the journey out of Southeast Asia.

Our team has developed a data base of local and international vendors that we can use to efficiently execute our mission. We are committed to using as much of the local population to execute the mission to maintain security during the early stages of the project as well as to maintain a low-cost profile on the operation allowing for higher profit margins to create a low-risk investment opportunity. We have developed decision matrixes to unbiasedly choose the most qualified businesses at the right prices to execute the necessary supplemental services to support our core operation. We have strong convictions to make the best decisions in the interest of project and to make sure we are upholding the highest standards of ethics.