Security Operations

In the Southern region of the Philippines, we have created partnerships with local military and police departments to ensure that our operation has their full support. Members of our executive team are from the region and were formerly in the Filipino military. We have members that conducted join military operations as a California Chief of police that laid the ground work for this instrumental networking that allowed us to broker security for our operation.

We have also procured a security team that will operate locally in conjunction with our partnership with the local and federal government to protect our assets that are in the field. This security team is headed by our executive that retired from the California police department as a Chief of Police. He is well versed in local policing, international diplomacy, and security operations.

Our team is well versed in maintaining security and will take point to ensure that all operations are conducted safely. Below are some of our teams, areas of expertise as well as some of the operations that we have taken part.

Experienced Security

Our team has a vast experience in create a secure environment to conduct successful operations. Some of executives to part in the Operation Iraqi Freedom, Task Force Tripoli, and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Our Expertise

  • Sniper Teams / Over watch

  • Operational Oversight

  • Convoy Operations

  • Security Planning

  • Detainee Operations